Friday 8 January 2010

Stoma closure surgery

Does anyone have any advice on the stoma closure procedure? Sam is going in on 9th February to have his stoma closed. Can anyone advice what the procedure involves and what the recovery period is like?

Many thanks


ACT Secretary said...

Hi Julie and I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and are enjoying the snowy start to the year. I will try to find out from some of our members who might have experience on stoma closures, and will report back to you once I have something useful! My son's stoma closed by itself, probably due to the fact he had his trachy for such a short time, although he does have a significant dent/scar which doesn't seem to bother him at this stage of life but could be "made neater" if he ever felt self-concious about it. Best of luck for the procedure in February and will pass on anything useful before then. Amanda x

Newsletter editor said...

Hi Julie,

Don't worry about it. They trim away any tatty or floppy bits of cartilage that may or may not be there and close it in layers. Don't expect it to look amazing straight away, but it will quickly settle. It is a day case event, and knowing Sam he will be running you ragged again sooner than you would like.

Best wishes


worthy said...

Thanks! we are expecting him to be staying at least 1 night as respiratory want to monitor him, but I am sure he will be running around pretty quickly again!